How can Fleet Managers Manage Fuel Costs?

Jonathon Spitz
July 11, 2023

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Factors Driving Fuel Costs

  • Idling of vehicles is the primary concern as this consumes fuel without any movement.
  • Additionally, inefficient routing of vehicles increases the distance traveled.
  • Since the pandemic some businesses have embraced technology to resolve service calls digitally, whereas others continue to incur fuel costs on avoidable travel.

Strategies for Reducing Fuel Costs

Here are some effective strategies you could consider to save on fuel costs:

  • By maintaining a consistent driving speed, the need to accelerate and brake frequently is minimized, thereby reducing the fuel required to power the vehicle since up to 30% of your fuel costs are under your driver's foot.
  • Use telematics technology to target idle time.
  • Keep tires adequately inflated, as poor tire pressure can decrease fuel economy.
  • Eliminate excess weight by removing unnecessary items from your vehicle. For example, if you can easily get roadside assistance, consider removing the spare tire, jack, and other tools.
  • Optimizing your route using Google Maps and Waze can help you avoid traffic lights and congestion, thereby saving fuel and time.
  • Buy premium gasoline only if your vehicle needs it.
  • Use fuel-sourcing apps like GasBuddy, AAA Mobile, or fuel rewards to locate the cheapest fuel.
  • Limit AC use by parking in shaded areas and using the vent fan or windows instead.
  • Switch to synthetic oils for improved fuel economy and engine performance, particularly in cold weather conditions.
  • Get a fleet fuel card to monitor and control expenses, access data on fuel purchases, and avoid unnecessary spending.
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